-----------------------------[ HALL OF FAME ]----------------------------- Pos Score The gory details... --- ---------- ------------------- 1 29296 Crow (mrf). L12 orcish beastfighter (M). 73886 xps. 12752 turns. Died on 6/7/2013. He drowned on level 12 of the caverns of chaos. 2 20650 Skeletron (mrf). L11 gnomish elementalist (M). 23195 xps. 3783 turns. Died on 6/7/2013. He was killed by a booby-trapped door in an unremarkable dungeon on level 6. 3 5647 Xi (madxista). L8 human assassin (M). 6105 xps. 4831 turns. Died on 2/7/2013. He died of acute blood poisoning in the small village dungeon on dungeon level 4. 4 4717 Fraim (mrf). L6 orcish beastfighter (M). 4329 xps. 810 turns. Died on 6/4/2013. He was killed by a werewolf in an unremarkable dungeon on level 1. 5 3226 Goan (lion). L6 human paladin (M). 3317 xps. 623 turns. Died on 8/3/2016. He was scorched by a fiery explosion in a small cave. 6 3223 Rane (naamuis). L5 gnomish elementalist (M). 990 xps. 244 turns. Died on 1/16/2014. He was killed by a jackal somewhere on the plains. 7 3020 Blinda (mrf). L3 gray elven wizard (F). 777 xps. 295 turns. Died on 6/4/2013. She was killed by a fire beetle in a small cave. 8 2686 Landoe (secxs). L6 high elven druid (F). 2947 xps. 721 turns. Died on 4/12/2013. She died of acute blood poisoning in a sinister dungeon on level 4. 9 1692 Xi (madxista). L1 dark elven ranger (M). 282 xps. 205 turns. Died on 2/7/2013. He died of acute blood poisoning in a small cave. 10 1470 A Riptide (mrf). L1 gray elven wizard (M). 0 xps. 65 turns. Died on 6/7/2013. He drowned in the wilderness. 11 1128 Coward (test1). L1 orcish elementalist (F). 0 xps. 1 turn. Left on 1/16/2013. She left the Drakalor Chain never to come back. 12 1083 Clowdy (clowdy). L3 dwarven beastfighter (M). 499 xps. 430 turns. Died on 11/15/2013. He was killed by Yergius, the master thief, in the outlaw village "Lawenilothehl". 13 934 Hooman (mrf). L1 human beastfighter (M). 0 xps. 96 turns. Left on 6/4/2013. He left the Drakalor Chain never to come back. 14 843 Clowdy (clowdy). L3 dwarven beastfighter (M). 916 xps. 300 turns. Died on 11/15/2013. He was killed by a jackal somewhere on the plains. 15 821 ANDREW (andrew). L1 high elven priest (M). 27 xps. 190 turns. Died on 8/23/2014. He starved to death in the wilderness. 16 622 H (gnr). L1 orcish druid (M). 59 xps. 67 turns. Died on 9/30/2013. He was killed by a hobgoblin somewhere on the plains. 17 621 Ty (discordia). L1 high elven priest (M). 45 xps. 29 turns. Died on 5/8/2014. He was killed by an orc chieftain somewhere in the forest. 18 617 Discordia (discordia). L1 gnomish archer (M). 0 xps. 35 turns. Died on 5/8/2014. He was shot by a female barbarian leader somewhere on the plains. 19 443 Bulbul (resanchez). L1 orcish paladin (F). 24 xps. 56 turns. Died on 6/26/2015. She was drowned by a baby water dragon in the village "Terinyo". 20 319 ANDREW (andrew). L1 drakish ranger (M). 0 xps. 45 turns. Died on 8/23/2014. He was killed by a hobgoblin leader somewhere on the plains.