---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brd St:14 Le:20 Wi:12 Dx:17 To:15 Ch:17 Ap:13 Ma:19 Pe:16 N= DV/PV: 25/2 H: 20(20) P: 11(11) Exp: 1/0 M: 920 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Brd Race: male Gnome Class: Bard Eye color: brown Hair color: gray Complexion: tanned Height: 3'4" Weight: 119 pounds Age: 112 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 7/Candle (day 277 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents belong to the nobility. They are rich, respected, wealthy and own more than they can count. As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood. As a kid you often watched the adult adventurers preparing for new exciting journeys. They sparked your imagination. As a young adult you tried many occupations before finally deciding on one to pursue. This has left you with a very broad base of lore. You decided to become a Bard. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 774 stones Carrying capacity: 1400 stones Head : leather cap [+0, +2] [5s] Neck : - Body : clothes [+0, +0] [40s] Girdle : - Cloak : - Right Hand : short sword (+0, 1d6) [30s] Left Hand : - Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : - Boots : seven league boots [+1, +0] [30s] Missile Weapon: - Missiles : heap of 6 rocks (+0, 1d4) [30s] Tool : harp [30s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 609 stones Carrying capacity: 1400 stones Armor ('[') clothes [40s] Boots ('[') gnomish boots (+1, +0) [+2, +0] [10s] One-handed weapons ('(') dagger (+0, 1d4) [10s] Tools (']') torch [10s] torch [10s] box with flint and steel (4) [5s] tinderbox (28) [3s] Instruments ('{') fiddle [15s] Wands ('\') wand of light (1 charge) [4s] Food ('%') iron ration [100s] heap of 2 large rations [400s] Valuables ('$') 253 gold pieces [2s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 0 hours, 12 minutes and 24 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains Of Mystery Version 1.2.0 with ADOM Sage 0.9.18 Linux ELF Prerelease 18 Build: Oct 31 2013 20:18:10