---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elf St:16 Le:21 Wi:13 Dx:21 To:15 Ch:13 Ap:16 Ma:20 Pe:19 L DV/PV: 27/9 H: 56(56) P: 108(111) Exp: 10/23003 M: 5144 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Elf Race: male High Elf Class: Wizard Eye color: golden Hair color: black Complexion: light Height: 6'7" Weight: 149 pounds Age: 206 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 6/Candle (day 276 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents belong to the nobility. They are rich, respected, wealthy and own more than they can count. In your childhood you were fascinated by your environment and the ever-changing wonders of the world. You were a very curious and adventurous child. As a youth you spent a lot of time in the wilds exploring woods and generally enjoying your freedom. You had a lot of fun and learned to value the treasures of nature. Your path was always clearly lying before you. You knew about your destiny since your earliest years and fortunately your grandfather supported your wishes. You managed to find a competent trainer and began your studies. You decided to become a Wizard. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2421 stones Carrying capacity: 1650 stones Head : - Neck : - Body : uncursed studded leather armor (-1, +0) [-1, +4] [250s] Girdle : mithril girdle [+0, +2] [20s] Cloak : - Right Hand : uncursed orcish spear (+1, 1d8+4) [75s] Left Hand : uncursed wooden shield (+1) [+3, +1] [80s] Right Ring : uncursed ring of acid resistance [1s] Left Ring : uncursed wooden ring [1s] Bracers : uncursed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] Gauntlets : - Boots : uncursed spiked boots [-1, +2] [30s] Missile Weapon: uncursed heavy crossbow (+3, +3) [140s] Missiles : blessed quarrel (+1, 2d6+3) [2s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 1812 stones Carrying capacity: 1650 stones Armor ('[') robe [60s] uncursed robe [+0, +1] [60s] uncursed clothes [40s] clothes [40s] Boots ('[') uncursed sandals [+0, +0] [6s] One-handed weapons ('(') uncursed orcish spear of hunting (+1, 1d8+2) [75s] uncursed spear (+1, 1d8) [50s] uncursed unwieldy orcish spear (-7, 1d8+2) [75s] uncursed scimitar (+0, 1d8) [40s] uncursed warhammer (+1, 2d3+2) [60s] crude knife [10s] heavy mace [200s] Two-handed weapons ('(') uncursed quarterstaff (+0, 1d10+3) [40s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 8 uncursed arrows [16s] heap of 24 rocks [120s] Tools (']') heap of 3 uncursed torches [30s] heap of 4 cursed torches [40s] uncursed box with flint and steel (49) [5s] tinderbox (8) [3s] uncursed tinderbox (26) [3s] cursed box with flint and steel (6) [5s] blessed tiny key [1s] uncursed hexagonal key [1s] Rings ('=') uncursed ring of searching [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed wand of light (5 charges) [4s] uncursed brass wand [4s] uncursed ebony wand [3s] Potions ('!') clear potion [4s] uncursed potion of confusion [2s] uncursed potion of cure poison [2s] cursed clear potion [4s] uncursed potion of booze [4s] golden potion [4s] Scrolls ('?') uncursed scroll of dark predictions [2s] uncursed scroll of information [2s] uncursed scroll of warning [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "Odiv" [2s] Books ('"') uncursed spellbook of Acid Bolt [100s] uncursed spellbook of Knock [100s] uncursed spellbook of Remove Curse [100s] uncursed spellbook of Stun Ray [100s] Food ('%') uncursed iron ration [100s] uncursed melon [20s] uncursed loaf of bread [40s] uncursed cute dog corpse [60s] uncursed loaf of hurthling bread [30s] blessed seed [2s] iron ration [100s] Valuables ('$') 4016 gold pieces [40s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 1 hour, 12 minutes and 52 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains of Mystery Release 51 with ADOM Sage version 0.9.24 Linux ELF Build: Oct 26 2014 14:24:45