---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melf St:15 Le:22 Wi:15 Dx:19 To:14 Ch:11 Ap:27 Ma:19 Pe:26 NL DV/PV: 55/10 H: 50(50) P: 45(45) Exp: 12/85728 M: 31389 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Melf Race: male Mist Elf Class: Assassin Eye color: pearly Hair color: white Complexion: white Height: 7' Weight: 77 pounds Age: 8293 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 18/Candle (day 288 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: You remember rising from the Mists... so long ago. Your brethren welcomed your into your physical existence and cared for you until you managed to cope on your own. Thus decades passed. As a young child you were taught by the elders of your race. They showed to you the whole breadth of creation and opened your mind to encompass whatever your life goal would become. Thus centuries passed. You spent your youth honing your skills and preparing for the ultimate quest that would change you forever: the trip to the mists of Destiny. Thus millennia passed and empires rose and fell. As a young adult your community prepared you for the final step towards adolescence: your Destiny Quest in the Mists of Time. In the full knowledge that this quest would change you forever you finally entered the Mists that birthed you and emerged changed... as decreed by the Dreamers from Beyond. You decided to become an Assassin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2490 stones Carrying capacity: 3960 stones Head : blessed hat [+1, +0] [4s] Neck : uncursed amulet of light [3s] Body : uncursed elven chain mail [+0, +5] [10s] Girdle : blessed girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s] Cloak : uncursed leather cloak (-1, +0) [+4, +0] [40s] Right Hand : uncursed adamantium spear (+3, 1d8+6) [36s] Left Hand : blessed medium adamantium shield [+7, +2] [72s] Right Ring : uncursed ring of fire [1s] Left Ring : uncursed ring of fire resistance [1s] Bracers : - Gauntlets : uncursed fencing gloves of fidelity [+3, +1] {Ch+6} [6s] Boots : uncursed mithril boots [+0, +2] [96s] Missile Weapon: uncursed short bow (+4, +0) [20s] Missiles : bundle of 6 uncursed arrows of slaying (+0, 1d6) [12s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2174 stones Carrying capacity: 3960 stones Helmets ('[') uncursed hat (+1, +1) [+0, +0] [4s] Gauntlets ('[') uncursed studded gloves [+1, +2] [6s] uncursed fencing gloves of fidelity [+3, +1] {Ch+6} [6s] uncursed gloves [+0, +3] [6s] Cloaks ('[') uncursed hooded cloak [+1, +0] [40s] Girdles ('[') uncursed girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+1} [15s] uncursed leather girdle [+0, +0] [5s] leather girdle [15s] Boots ('[') uncursed leather boots [+3, +0] [25s] blessed leather boots [+0, +0] [25s] blessed light boots [+0, +0] [20s] uncursed sandals [+0, +0] [6s] uncursed leather boots [+0, +0] [25s] light boots [20s] sandals [6s] Necklaces (''') uncursed amulet of greed [3s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+4} [3s] uncursed brass amulet [3s] uncursed amulet of light [3s] uncursed necklace of rabies resistance [2s] One-handed weapons ('(') heap of 3 uncursed mithril daggers (+0, 1d4+3) [24s] uncursed mithril short sword (+1, 1d6+3) [24s] uncursed pick axe (+0, 1d6+1) [75s] blessed fragile hatchet (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] heap of 2 uncursed adamantium spears (+1, 1d8+6) [72s] uncursed adamantium dagger (+0, 1d4+5) [7s] uncursed pick axe (+0, 1d6+2) [75s] uncursed dagger (+0, 1d4) [10s] uncursed mithril spear (+1, 1d8+5) [40s] uncursed adamantium scimitar (+0, 1d8+9) [28s] uncursed mithril battle axe of damnation (+0, 1d6+5) [56s] broadsword [64s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed short bow (+3, +0) [20s] uncursed short bow (+1, +1) [20s] blessed sling (+0, +1) [3s] uncursed sling (+0, +2) [3s] uncursed sling (+3, +1) [3s] uncursed sling (+0, +1) [3s] uncursed short bow (+1, +0) [20s] short bow [20s] heap of 2 slings [6s] short bow [20s] Missiles ('*') heap of 19 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4) [95s] bundle of 4 uncursed mithril quarrels (+1, 2d6+3) [8s] bundle of 11 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [22s] bundle of 6 uncursed quarrels of construct slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [24s] bundle of 6 uncursed mithril arrows (+0, 1d6+3) [12s] bundle of 4 uncursed quarrels of undead slaying (+3, 2d6+6) [16s] bundle of 3 uncursed adamantium arrows (+1, 1d6+6) [3s] bundle of 5 quarrels [10s] bundle of 7 arrows [14s] Tools (']') uncursed waterproof blanket [10s] uncursed tinderbox (28) [3s] uncursed tiny key [1s] uncursed torch [10s] uncursed box with flint and steel (20) [5s] heap of 2 uncursed round keys [2s] heap of 13 uncursed lumps of clay [65s] uncursed holy symbol [5s] uncursed plain blanket [10s] uncursed small key [1s] uncursed triangular key [1s] blessed hexagonal key [1s] blessed waterproof blanket [10s] Instruments ('{') uncursed fiddle [15s] Rings ('=') heap of 2 uncursed rings of fire resistance [2s] uncursed brass ring [1s] heap of 2 uncursed rings of acid resistance [2s] uncursed ring of speed [+0, +1] (+5 spd) [1s] marble ring [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed wand of monster creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of digging (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (0 charges) [3s] blessed wand of cold (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap creation (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of webbing (6 charges) [3s] blessed wand of webbing (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of knocking (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of stunning (8 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fire (1 charge) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of light (0 charges) [4s] blessed wand of lightning (1 charge) [4s] twisted wand [3s] Potions ('!') heap of 5 uncursed potions of poison [20s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of visibility [8s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of cure poison [6s] heap of 6 uncursed potions of invisibility [24s] uncursed potion of cure corruption [2s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of gain attributes [12s] heap of 2 uncursed oils of rust removal [4s] heap of 5 uncursed potions of healing [20s] heap of 3 uncursed berzio potions [6s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of balance [8s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential charisma [8s] uncursed potion of potential beauty [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of booze [8s] uncursed potion of troll blood [2s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of carrot juice [8s] heap of 6 potions of holy water [24s] uncursed potion of ultra healing [2s] uncursed potion of wonder [2s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential willpower [8s] uncursed potion of insight [2s] uncursed potion of potential mana [4s] blessed potion of cure poison [2s] potion of invisibility [4s] potion of invisibility [4s] Scrolls ('?') uncursed scroll of information [2s] uncursed scroll of warning [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of darkness [4s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of item destruction [8s] uncursed scroll of protection [2s] uncursed scroll of defense [2s] heap of 3 blessed scrolls of identify [6s] blessed scroll of uncursing [2s] uncursed scroll of power [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of repair [4s] blessed scroll of light [2s] uncursed scroll of magic mapping [2s] uncursed scroll of danger [2s] uncursed scroll of increase melee accuracy [2s] uncursed scroll of amnesia [2s] Books ('"') blessed manual of bridge building [100s] Food ('%') heap of 2 uncursed melons [40s] heap of 10 uncursed spenseweeds [20s] heap of 5 uncursed pepper petals [10s] heap of 9 uncursed curaria mancox herbs [18s] heap of 7 uncursed alraunia antidotes [14s] heap of 13 uncursed stomafillia herbs [26s] heap of 6 uncursed stomacemptia herbs [12s] heap of 16 uncursed morgia roots [32s] heap of 44 uncursed cooked lizards [132s] heap of 35 blessed cooked lizards [105s] uncursed herb seed [2s] heap of 4 uncursed demon daisies [8s] bit of candy [2s] Valuables ('$') 13050 gold pieces [130s] Gems ('*') uncursed crystal of darkness [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains Of Mystery Version 1.2.0 with ADOM Sage 0.9.11 Linux ELF Prerelease 14 Build: May 26 2013 13:48:36