---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mer4 St:16 Le:16 Wi:14 Dx:10 To:16 Ch:15 Ap:12 Ma:10 Pe:16 C DV/PV: 29/12 H: 58(58) P: 16(16) Exp: 9/9557 M: 4664 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mer4 Race: male Dwarf Class: Merchant Eye color: brown Hair color: brown Complexion: brown Height: 4'1" Weight: 174 pounds Age: 93 (grown-up, 28 years of unnatural aging added in) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 13/Candle (day 283 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents belong to the middle class. They are average people living in average quarters. Your father is a craftsman of mediocre talent. As a child you lived through happy days. Your parents tried to ease your life as much as possible and gave you a lot of comfort. During your youth you embarked on many small journeys to nearby towns on behalf of your parents. You learned to know lots of people and made many friends. Your path was always clearly lying before you. You knew about your destiny since your earliest years and fortunately your grandfather supported your wishes. You managed to find a competent trainer and began your studies. You decided to become a Merchant. During your apprenticeship you specialized on enchanted wands and rods. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 1370 stones Carrying capacity: 1650 stones Head : uncursed helm of mental stability [+0, +3] {Le+1} [100s] Neck : uncursed opal amulet [3s] Body : chain mail (-1, -3) [-3, +5] [400s] Girdle : - Cloak : uncursed leather cloak (-1, +0) [+3, +0] [40s] Right Hand : uncursed adamantium broadsword (+0, 1d7+7) [57s] Left Hand : uncursed tower crystal shield (-2) [+16, +4] [260s] Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : uncursed gloves [+0, +0] [6s] Boots : blessed leather boots (+1, -1) [+0, +0] [25s] Missile Weapon: - Missiles : - Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 479 stones Carrying capacity: 1650 stones Helmets ('[') cursed metal cap {mediocre} [50s] Shields ('[') uncursed medium shield [+6, +1] [100s] Necklaces (''') cursed leather amulet [2s] One-handed weapons ('(') mithril long sword (+0, 1d8+3) [32s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed sling (+2, +1) [3s] uncursed sling (+0, +1) [3s] uncursed short bow {fair} [20s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 10 uncursed quarrels {fair} [20s] bundle of 6 uncursed quarrels of construct slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [24s] Tools (']') cursed round key [1s] uncursed tiny key {fair} [1s] uncursed square key {fair} [1s] holy symbol [5s] Instruments ('{') uncursed lute [20s] uncursed whistle {fair} [1s] Rings ('=') cursed plain ring [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed wand of cold (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of stunning (2 charges) [3s] blessed wand of lightning (1 charge) [4s] uncursed wand of trap detection (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of light (1 charge) [4s] blessed wand of webbing (10 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of knocking (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of monster detection (7 charges) [3s] cursed wand of lightning [4s] Potions ('!') heap of 2 potions of holy water [8s] uncursed clotted potion [2s] blessed smelly potion [4s] potion of water [4s] Scrolls ('?') uncursed scribbled scroll [2s] Food ('%') heap of 42 uncursed cooked lizards [126s] uncursed strange herb [2s] heap of 2 cursed stomafillia herbs [4s] uncursed demon daisy [2s] blessed demon daisy [2s] Valuables ('$') 765 gold pieces [7s] Gems ('*') uncursed brown gem [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 0 hours, 36 minutes and 46 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains Of Mystery Version 1.2.0 with ADOM Sage 0.9.12 Linux ELF Prerelease 16 Build: Aug 18 2013 08:09:42