---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarr St:23 Le: 5 Wi: 9 Dx:16 To:24 Ch: 6 Ap: 8 Ma:10 Pe:21 L DV/PV: 11/18 H: 119(127) P: 34(34) Exp: 11/51961 M: 18038 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Rarr Race: male Orc Class: Ranger Eye color: brown Hair color: brown Complexion: brown Height: 6'1" Weight: 200 pounds Age: 13 (young) Star sign: Sword Birthday: 8/Sword (day 188 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents belong to the nobility. They are rich, respected, wealthy and own more than they can count. As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood. In your youth you enjoyed competition against others to the fullest. You were a very active kid. As a young adult you had to work a lot to finance your apprenticeship. You were often tired and exhausted but all this was forgotten, when you finally achieved your goal. You decided to become a Ranger. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 3861 stones Carrying capacity: 2925 stones Head : uncursed leather cap [+3, +0] [5s] Neck : blessed shining necklace [2s] Body : uncursed Perion's mithril plate mail (-1, -4) [-1, +13] Girdle : uncursed girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+1} [15s] Cloak : uncursed hooded cloak [+1, +0] [40s] Right Hand : uncursed mithril warhammer (+0, 2d3+3) [48s] Left Hand : uncursed battle axe (+0, 1d6+2) [70s] Right Ring : uncursed ring of cold resistance [1s] Left Ring : cursed fire opal ring [1s] Bracers : uncursed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [10s] Gauntlets : uncursed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+0, +1] [15s] Boots : uncursed iron boots [-1, +1] [120s] Missile Weapon: - Missiles : bundle of 5 uncursed drakish scurgari [50s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 3034 stones Carrying capacity: 2925 stones Helmets ('[') uncursed leather cap [+3, +0] [5s] uncursed metal cap [+0, +1] [50s] Armor ('[') cursed clothes [40s] blessed clothes [40s] uncursed clothes [40s] Girdles ('[') uncursed metal girdle [+0, +3] [25s] Boots ('[') cursed leather boots [25s] uncursed light boots [+0, +0] [20s] uncursed leather boots [-3, +0] [25s] Necklaces (''') uncursed opal amulet [3s] One-handed weapons ('(') heap of 3 uncursed battle axes (+0, 1d6+2) [210s] blessed scimitar (+0, 1d8) [40s] blessed hatchet (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] uncursed spear (+1, 1d8) [50s] uncursed hatchet of hunting (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] blessed long sword (+0, 1d8+3) [40s] heap of 2 uncursed sabres (+1, 1d6+2) [60s] uncursed club (+0, 1d6) [30s] uncursed whip (-1, 1d3) [15s] uncursed knife (-1, 1d3+2) [8s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed light crossbow (+2, +0) [70s] blessed long bow (+2, +2) [30s] heap of 3 uncursed short bows (+1, +0) [60s] uncursed long bow (+2, +2) [30s] uncursed broken short bow (+1, +0) [20s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 7 uncursed quarrels (+1, 2d6) [14s] bundle of 3 blessed drakish scurgari (+2, 1d8+2) [30s] bundle of 6 uncursed arrows [12s] bundle of 14 uncursed quarrels [28s] bundle of 11 blessed quarrels [22s] bundle of 3 uncursed drakish scurgari (+2, 1d8+2) [30s] bundle of 58 uncursed arrows [116s] cursed quarrel [2s] uncursed arrow [2s] bundle of 15 uncursed quarrels [30s] uncursed arrow [2s] heap of 8 uncursed rocks [40s] bundle of 16 blessed arrows [32s] uncursed arrow [2s] bundle of 7 blessed drakish scurgari [56s] bundle of 2 cursed drakish scurgari [20s] Tools (']') uncursed blanket [10s] cursed bandage [2s] uncursed metal ingot [20s] heap of 2 uncursed triangular keys [2s] blessed stethoscope [5s] uncursed hexagonal key [1s] uncursed box with flint and steel [5s] uncursed fletchery set [70s] cursed torch [10s] uncursed blanket [10s] uncursed torch [10s] uncursed round key [1s] uncursed strange item [10s] uncursed tiny key [1s] climbing set [180s] Rings ('=') uncursed ring of fire resistance [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed softwood wand [3s] uncursed ivory wand [3s] blessed ebony wand [4s] uncursed silver wand [3s] uncursed bone wand [3s] uncursed oak wand [3s] uncursed ebony wand [4s] uncursed brittle wand [3s] uncursed willow wand [3s] uncursed oak wand [3s] Potions ('!') uncursed dull potion [4s] heap of 2 cursed potions of cure poison [4s] uncursed potion of water [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of cure poison [4s] uncursed white potion [2s] heap of 3 uncursed clotted potions [12s] uncursed sandy potion [4s] cursed white potion [2s] heap of 2 potions of holy water [8s] uncursed translucent potion [2s] uncursed thick potion [4s] cursed flickering potion [4s] uncursed light cyan potion [2s] uncursed violet potion [4s] uncursed light blue potion [2s] Scrolls ('?') cursed scroll labeled "ENO OWT EERHT" [2s] uncursed scribbled scroll [2s] cursed scroll labeled "CHUTZPAH" [2s] blessed scroll labeled "Yik Mech'Shegoth" [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of uncursing [6s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls labeled "Yik Mech'Shegoth" [8s] uncursed scroll labeled "YNORI ERUP" [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "DOGO FUTSF" [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "FROTZ" [2s] cursed scroll labeled "Yik Mech'Shegoth" [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls labeled "MKMNFST" [4s] uncursed scroll labeled "HcUo" [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "mead ni najap" [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "KTTdLwrgt" [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "RambaZamba" [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "REGNAD" [2s] blessed scroll labeled "RambaZamba" [2s] Books ('"') blessed huge manual [100s] Food ('%') heap of 4 uncursed iron rations [400s] heap of 2 uncursed pepper petals [4s] heap of 2 cursed burb roots [4s] heap of 5 cursed pepper petals [10s] heap of 3 uncursed loaves of hurthling bread [90s] uncursed frog legs [2s] uncursed loaf of elven bread [3s] uncursed melon [20s] blessed piece of fresh meat [20s] heap of 4 uncursed dwarven sausages [80s] heap of 2 cursed devil's roses [4s] heap of 4 uncursed spenseweeds [8s] heap of 16 cursed spenseweeds [32s] heap of 2 uncursed curaria mancox herbs [4s] heap of 2 uncursed alraunia antidotes [4s] cursed alraunia antidote [2s] heap of 2 cursed demon daisies [4s] heap of 3 uncursed burb roots [6s] heap of 2 cursed strange herbs [4s] heap of 62 uncursed cooked lizards [186s] heap of 6 cursed moss patches of mareilon [12s] heap of 5 cursed morgia roots [10s] blessed morgia root [2s] heap of 2 uncursed morgia roots [4s] heap of 2 blessed devil's roses [4s] cursed curaria mancox herb [2s] uncursed bit of candy [2s] Valuables ('$') 5769 gold pieces [57s] Gems ('*') uncursed green gem [1s] uncursed white gem [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 3 hours, 39 minutes and 31 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains of Mystery Release 23 with ADOM Sage version 0.9.23 Linux ELF Prerelease 23 Build: May 10 2014 15:01:25