---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Achash St:16 Le:10 Wi:12 Dx:13 To:19 Ch:15 Ap: 6 Ma:14 Pe:13 L DV/PV: 4/10 H: 70(71) P: 19(19) Exp: 8/16202 M: 5639 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Achash Race: male Drakeling Class: Ranger Eye color: amber Hair color: bald Complexion: light blue Height: 5'8" Weight: 167 pounds Age: 22 (young) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 4/Candle (day 274 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your mother is a mighty enchantress. She is unmarried. Your father is living in the vicinity of your mother's tower. He is a humble shepherd. As a child you lived through happy days. Your parents tried to ease your life as much as possible and gave you a lot of comfort. During your youth you had a lot of fun playing with other kids of your age. You always were a natural leader and the center of interest. As a young adult you tried many occupations before finally deciding on one to pursue. This has left you with a very broad base of lore. You decided to become a Ranger. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2961 stones Carrying capacity: 1815 stones Head : uncursed metal cap [+0, +1] [50s] Neck : cursed black torc [3s] Body : uncursed splint mail (-2, -4) [-2, +6] [450s] Girdle : uncursed metal girdle [+0, +1] [25s] Cloak : - Right Hand : uncursed whip of mayhem (-4, 3d3+6) [15s] Left Hand : uncursed mithril sabre (+0, 1d6+5) [24s] Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : - Boots : - Missile Weapon: - Missiles : uncursed arrow [2s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2392 stones Carrying capacity: 1815 stones Helmets ('[') blessed hat [4s] Gauntlets ('[') uncursed rusty gauntlets [10s] uncursed gauntlets [10s] Girdles ('[') uncursed leather girdle [+1, +0] [5s] Boots ('[') uncursed sandals [6s] uncursed leather boots [25s] Bracers (',') uncursed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [10s] One-handed weapons ('(') uncursed scimitar (+1, 1d8) [40s] blessed short sword (+0, 1d6) [30s] uncursed whip (-4, 1d3+2) [15s] uncursed broadsword (+0, 1d7+2) [80s] heap of 2 uncursed orcish knives (+0, 1d3+2) [20s] uncursed battle axe [70s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed short bow (+1, +0) [20s] Missiles ('/') uncursed arrow [2s] uncursed arrow [2s] uncursed arrow [2s] uncursed arrow [2s] uncursed arrow [2s] uncursed arrow [2s] uncursed arrow [2s] bundle of 28 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [56s] bundle of 18 cursed quarrels [36s] bundle of 10 uncursed quarrels [20s] bundle of 12 uncursed arrows [24s] Tools (']') uncursed box with flint and steel [5s] uncursed square key [1s] heap of 3 uncursed torches [30s] Rings ('=') uncursed ring of protection +4 [1s] uncursed electrum ring [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed curved wand [4s] uncursed bronze wand [4s] cursed silver wand [3s] Potions ('!') uncursed blue potion [2s] uncursed orange potion [4s] heap of 2 potions of holy water [8s] uncursed muddy potion [4s] blessed mottled potion [2s] uncursed black potion [4s] heap of 2 uncursed blood red potions [4s] cursed white potion [2s] uncursed potion of booze [4s] uncursed blubbery potion [2s] Scrolls ('?') heap of 2 uncursed scrolls labeled "GNOZAB" [4s] uncursed scroll labeled "WoPaK" [2s] blessed scroll labeled "KAPOW" [2s] uncursed scroll labeled "FPMAM" [2s] cursed scroll labeled "Yik Mech'Shegoth" [2s] Food ('%') uncursed melon [20s] uncursed loaf of hurthling bread [30s] uncursed dwarven sausage [20s] cursed giant rat corpse [60s] blessed iron ration [100s] heap of 2 cursed alraunia antidotes [4s] heap of 2 cursed demon daisies [4s] heap of 4 cursed stomacemptia herbs [8s] heap of 3 uncursed stomafillia herbs [6s] heap of 3 cursed stomafillia herbs [6s] uncursed stomacemptia herb [2s] heap of 2 uncursed demon daisies [4s] blessed stomafillia herb [2s] heap of 2 cursed burb roots [4s] heap of 5 cursed pepper petals [10s] uncursed pepper petal [2s] heap of 2 uncursed devil's roses [4s] heap of 4 cursed strange herbs [8s] blessed strange herb [2s] uncursed strange herb [2s] blessed cute dog corpse [60s] cursed kobold corpse [60s] uncursed large ration [200s] heap of 3 cursed gnoll corpses [720s] uncursed iron ration [100s] uncursed large gnoll corpse [240s] uncursed doppelganger corpse [120s] Valuables ('$') 271 gold pieces [2s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 0 hours, 30 minutes and 56 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains of Mystery Release 51 with ADOM Sage version 0.9.24 Linux ELF Build: Oct 26 2014 14:24:45