---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ass St:16 Le:18 Wi:11 Dx:24 To:11 Ch: 9 Ap:20 Ma:20 Pe:21 N= DV/PV: 25/7 H: 60(60) P: 47(47) Exp: 10/18761 M: 3534 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ass Race: male Gray Elf Class: Archer Eye color: purple Hair color: silver Complexion: pale Height: 6'6" Weight: 147 pounds Age: 320 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 27/Candle (day 297 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your father is a guildmaster. Your family generally is rather wealthy and well-known in your home town. As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood. As a kid you often watched the adult adventurers preparing for new exciting journeys. They sparked your imagination. Your path was always clearly lying before you. You knew about your destiny since your earliest years and fortunately your grandfather supported your wishes. You managed to find a competent trainer and began your studies. You decided to become an Archer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 1527 stones Carrying capacity: 1650 stones Head : metal cap [+0, +1] [50s] Neck : stone amulet [7s] Body : elven chain mail [+0, +5] [10s] Girdle : metal girdle [+0, +1] [25s] Cloak : cloak of defense [+5, +0] [20s] Right Hand : - Left Hand : - Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : gloves [+0, +0] [6s] Boots : leather boots [+0, +0] [25s] Missile Weapon: long bow (+2, +2) [30s] Missiles : bundle of 5 arrows (+0, 1d6) [10s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 1344 stones Carrying capacity: 1650 stones Shields ('[') large adamantium shield (-1) [+9, +3] [86s] Gauntlets ('[') gloves [+0, +0] [6s] Cloaks ('[') hooded cloak [+1, +1] [40s] One-handed weapons ('(') bloody dagger (+3, 2d3+3) [10s] broadsword (+0, 1d7+1) [80s] Two-handed weapons ('(') mithril halberd (+7, 2d7+4) [-2, +0] [80s] Missile weapons ('}') long bow [30s] short bow [20s] short bow [20s] short bow [20s] long bow [30s] sling [3s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 4 arrows (+0, 1d6) [8s] bundle of 4 arrows [8s] bundle of 4 arrows [8s] Tools (']') fletchery set (7) [70s] blanket [10s] small key [1s] torch [10s] writing set [5s] Rings ('=') agate ring [1s] Wands ('\') cedar wand [3s] Potions ('!') heap of 4 watery potions [16s] heavy potion [4s] watery potion [4s] rusty potion [2s] clear potion [2s] Scrolls ('?') scroll labeled "ENO OWT EERHT" [2s] scribbled scroll [2s] scroll labeled "ECNETOPINMO" [2s] unlabeled scroll [2s] heap of 2 scrolls labeled "CUTME" [4s] scroll labeled "FPMAM" [2s] Food ('%') heap of 2 iron rations [200s] large ration [200s] heap of 4 lumps of beeswax [20s] lump of gelee royal [3s] dwarven sausage [20s] piece of dry meat [15s] heap of 6 strange herbs [12s] carrion crawler corpse [240s] Valuables ('$') 4216 gold pieces [42s] Gems ('*') green gem [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 0 hours, 33 minutes and 20 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains of Mystery Release 59 with ADOM Sage version 0.9.25 Linux ELF Build: Jul 20 2015 19:06:44