---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calvyn St:23 Le:19 Wi:12 Dx:12 To:22 Ch:13 Ap:14 Ma:13 Pe:12 L DV/PV: 9/15 H: 117(117) P: 35(35) Exp: 11/44278 M: 15925 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Calvyn Race: male Dwarf Class: Paladin Eye color: brown Hair color: black Complexion: tanned Height: 3'11" Weight: 187 pounds Age: 61 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 10/Candle (day 280 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents belong to the nobility. They are rich, respected, wealthy and own more than they can count. As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood. In your youth you worked a lot to become rich and famous later. Consequently you rarely had enough time to play with other kids of your age. As a young adult you tried many occupations before finally deciding on one to pursue. This has left you with a very broad base of lore. You decided to become a Paladin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 3639 stones Carrying capacity: 4075 stones Head : horned helmet [+1, +1] [100s] Neck : - Body : plate mail (-2, -4) [-4, +7] [500s] Girdle : uncursed girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s] Cloak : - Right Hand : lawful mithril long sword (+0, 1d8+3) [32s] Left Hand : medium shield (+3) [+3, +1] [100s] Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +1] [10s] Boots : iron boots [-1, +3] [120s] Missile Weapon: short bow (+1, +2) [20s] Missiles : bundle of 10 arrows (+0, 1d6) [20s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2722 stones Carrying capacity: 4075 stones Helmets ('[') uncursed metal cap [50s] Armor ('[') uncursed leather armor [150s] uncursed clothes [40s] uncursed clothes [40s] uncursed clean robe [60s] clothes [40s] Shields ('[') heap of 2 uncursed small shields [100s] medium shield [100s] small shield [40s] Cloaks ('[') uncursed leather cloak [40s] Girdles ('[') metal girdle [+0, +1] [25s] Boots ('[') sandals [6s] light boots [20s] light boots [20s] leather boots [20s] sandals [6s] worn boots [30s] Necklaces (''') heap of 2 coral necklaces [4s] uncursed black torc [3s] One-handed weapons ('(') warhammer (+0, 2d3) [60s] broadsword (+0, 1d7+1) [80s] club [30s] battle axe (+0, 1d6+2) [70s] battle axe [70s] short spear [40s] uncursed broadsword [80s] cudgel [40s] battle axe [70s] broadsword [80s] short sword [30s] rusty spear [50s] club [30s] spear [50s] crude knife [10s] Two-handed weapons ('(') quarterstaff [40s] skull staff [40s] Missile weapons ('}') sling [3s] short bow (+1, +0) [20s] hand crossbow [30s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 15 quarrels [30s] heap of 3 rocks [15s] bundle of 17 arrows [34s] bundle of 2 sling bullets [6s] arrow [2s] bundle of 4 tiny quarrels [8s] bundle of 14 quarrels [28s] tiny quarrel [2s] tiny quarrel [2s] bundle of 14 arrows [28s] arrow [2s] bundle of 15 arrows [30s] Tools (']') holy symbol [5s] fletchery set [70s] metal ingot [20s] bandage [2s] blanket [10s] piece of eternium ore [90s] uncursed piece of eternium ore [90s] wooden stick [30s] Instruments ('{') lute [20s] mandoline [23s] Rings ('=') marble ring [1s] brass ring [1s] Wands ('\') curved wand [3s] brittle wand [3s] oak wand [3s] teak wand [4s] Potions ('!') heap of 3 flickering potions [12s] rainbow-hued potion [4s] cyan potion [4s] silvery potion [4s] heap of 2 purple potions [4s] mottled potion [2s] watery potion [4s] oily potion [4s] orange potion [4s] clotted potion [2s] Scrolls ('?') scroll labeled "IAZNAB" [2s] scroll labeled "ENO OWT EERHT" [2s] scribbled scroll [2s] heap of 2 scrolls labeled "WoPaK" [4s] unlabeled scroll [2s] scroll labeled "ABABILA" [2s] scroll labeled "YIKES" [2s] scroll labeled "CHUTZPAH" [2s] scroll labeled "Odiv" [2s] Food ('%') uncursed large ration [200s] seed [2s] heap of 8 bones [32s] heap of 7 strange herbs [14s] heap of 3 strange herbs [6s] devil's rose [2s] heap of 3 devil's roses [6s] devil's rose [2s] heap of 2 strange herbs [4s] heap of 3 stomacemptia herbs [6s] strange herb [2s] strange herb [2s] heap of 2 strange herbs [4s] heap of 2 demon daisies [4s] heap of 2 curaria mancox herbs [4s] demon daisy [2s] strange herb [2s] demon daisy [2s] heap of 2 stomacemptia herbs [4s] strange herb [2s] fortune cookie [3s] cute dog corpse [60s] Valuables ('$') 1380 gold pieces [13s] Gems ('*') blue gem [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 1 hour, 13 minutes and 56 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains of Mystery Release 59 with ADOM Sage version 0.9.25 Linux ELF Build: Jul 20 2015 19:06:44