---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sadffhnf St:24 Le:16 Wi:12 Dx:19 To:24 Ch: 5 Ap:10 Ma: 5 Pe:11 C DV/PV: 40/15 H: 65(160) P: 17(17) Exp: 13/82060 M: 17728 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Sadffhnf Race: male Orc Class: Beastfighter Eye color: black Hair color: bald Complexion: brown Height: 6' Weight: 196 pounds Age: 17 (grown-up) Star sign: Raven Birthday: 8/Raven (day 8 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents are traveling adventurers. Both are competent, talented and doing very well. During your childhood one of your uncles taught you a lot of things about the history of your people. Your vast knowledge on the legends and the lore of your people made you very popular with your friends because of all the exciting stories you knew. In your youth you worked a lot to become rich and famous later. Consequently you rarely had enough time to play with other kids of your age. As a young adult you left your home because of trouble with your parents. They opposed your plans for the future without understanding your wishes. Thus you decided to live on your own. You wandered through the country for many years, growing older and wiser and learning many things. You decided to become a Beastfighter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 5107 stones Carrying capacity: 4350 stones Head : orcish helmet [+1, +2] {Pe-2} [100s] Neck : - Body : cursed scale mail (-1, -2) [-2, +6] [400s] Girdle : girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s] Cloak : cloak of protection [+0, +3] [20s] Right Hand : - Left Hand : - Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : - Boots : heavy boots [-1, +1] [30s] Missile Weapon: - Missiles : heap of 4 rocks (+0, 1d4) [20s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 4522 stones Carrying capacity: 4350 stones Armor ('[') splint mail (-2, -4) [-2, +6] [450s] ugly clothes [50s] studded leather armor [250s] Shields ('[') small shield [50s] large shield [120s] small shield [40s] Cloaks ('[') light cloak [+1, +0] [20s] Girdles ('[') leather girdle [+0, +0] [5s] Boots ('[') heavy boots [-1, +1] [30s] sandals [6s] Necklaces (''') opal amulet [3s] brass amulet [3s] One-handed weapons ('(') uncursed spear [50s] scalpel [2s] cudgel [40s] uncursed whip [15s] Two-handed weapons ('(') quarterstaff [40s] quarterstaff [40s] Missile weapons ('}') long bow (+2, +2) [30s] heap of 2 short bows (+1, +0) [40s] long bow (+2, +3) [30s] sling (+0, +1) [3s] heavy crossbow (+3, +3) [140s] sling (+1, +2) [3s] sling [3s] short bow [20s] short bow [20s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 2 mithril drakish scurgari (+7, 1d8+8) [16s] bundle of 26 arrows [52s] arrow [2s] bundle of 5 quarrels (+1, 2d6) [10s] tiny quarrel [2s] bundle of 2 drakish scurgari [20s] rock (+1, 1d4) [5s] heap of 3 rocks (-1, 1d4) [15s] bundle of 3 rusty drakish scurgari [30s] Tools (']') blanket [10s] small key [1s] blanket [10s] hexagonal key [1s] broken square key [1s] blanket [10s] tinderbox [3s] heap of 10 lumps of clay [50s] box with flint and steel [5s] bandage [2s] Instruments ('{') lute [20s] Rings ('=') golden ring [1s] jade ring [1s] aquamarine ring [1s] Wands ('\') bronze wand [4s] glass wand [3s] silver wand [3s] glass wand [3s] glass wand [3s] ivory wand [4s] softwood wand [3s] Potions ('!') speckled potion [4s] heap of 2 viscous potions [8s] turquoise potion [4s] murky potion [4s] heap of 2 potions of water [8s] orange potion [4s] heap of 3 slimy potions [12s] clotted potion [2s] slimy potion [4s] heap of 3 potions of water [12s] rusty potion [2s] blubbery potion [4s] milky potion [4s] green potion [2s] light potion [2s] thin potion [2s] clear potion [4s] Scrolls ('?') scroll labeled "ENO OWT EERHT" [2s] scribbled scroll [2s] heap of 3 scrolls labeled "ECNETOPINMO" [6s] heap of 2 scrolls labeled "IDNUM AIROLG TISNART CIS" [4s] scroll labeled "Odiv" [2s] scroll of protection [2s] scroll labeled "mead ni najap" [2s] scroll labeled "KTTdLwrgt" [2s] scroll labeled "FOO BAR" [2s] scroll labeled "Yik Mech'Shegoth" [2s] papyrus scroll [2s] scroll labeled "SutsI" [2s] Books ('"') enormous tome [100s] tome [150s] Food ('%') heap of 10 large rations [2000s] heap of 4 morgia roots [8s] morgia root [2s] heap of 2 morgia roots [4s] heap of 2 pepper petals [4s] strange herb [2s] heap of 2 burb roots [4s] pepper petal [2s] heap of 4 moss patches of mareilon [8s] heap of 2 moss patches of mareilon [4s] moss of mareilon [2s] heap of 4 strange herbs [8s] heap of 2 strange herbs [4s] heap of 2 strange herbs [4s] cute dog corpse [60s] bit of candy [2s] heap of 4 bones [16s] fortune cookie [3s] iron ration [100s] Valuables ('$') 12754 gold pieces [127s] Gems ('*') green gem [1s] red gem [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 4 hours, 2 minutes and 33 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains of Mystery Release 59 with ADOM Sage version 0.9.25 Linux ELF Build: Jul 20 2015 19:06:44