---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arothi St:14 Le: 8 Wi:15 Dx:20 To:17 Ch: 5 Ap: 5 Ma: 7 Pe:16 N= DV/PV: 11/11 H: 20(60) P: 21(21) Exp: 9/13569 M: 2532 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Arothi Race: female Ratling Class: Archer Eye color: brown Hair color: brown Complexion: brown Height: 4'8" Weight: 121 pounds Age: 12 (young) Star sign: Tree Birthday: 3/Tree (day 333 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your father is a guildmaster. Your family generally is rather wealthy and well-known in your home town. In your childhood you were tortured by your cruel parents. They seemed to thoroughly hate and despise you. In your youth you enjoyed competition against others to the fullest. You were a very active kid. Your path was always clearly lying before you. You knew about your destiny since your earliest years and fortunately your grandfather supported your wishes. You managed to find a competent trainer and began your studies. You decided to become an Archer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 1833 stones Carrying capacity: 1400 stones Head : cursed metal cap [+0, +4] [50s] Neck : uncursed opal amulet [3s] Body : cursed shell armor (+0, -2) [-1, +2] [300s] Girdle : - Cloak : light cloak [+1, +0] [20s] Right Hand : orcish spear (+1, 1d8+2) [75s] Left Hand : medium crystal shield [+9, +4] [160s] Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : - Boots : uncursed light boots [+3, +0] [20s] Missile Weapon: - Missiles : uncursed boomerang (+3, 2d4+1) [20s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 1185 stones Carrying capacity: 1400 stones Helmets ('[') metal cap {fair} [50s] Gauntlets ('[') cursed gloves {mediocre} [6s] Boots ('[') leather boots [25s] Necklaces (''') leather amulet [2s] steel amulet [3s] One-handed weapons ('(') short sword (+0, 1d6) [30s] flail {good} [150s] crude knife [10s] crude knife [10s] battle axe [70s] dagger [10s] battle axe [70s] crude knife [10s] crude knife [10s] crude spear [75s] heap of 2 orcish spears (+1, 1d8+2) [150s] large hammer [120s] Missile weapons ('}') light crossbow (+2, +0) [70s] short bow (+2, +0) [20s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 2 quarrels (+3, 2d6) [4s] quarrel (+1, 2d6) [2s] arrow (+3, 1d6) [2s] arrow (+0, 1d6) [2s] arrow [2s] arrow [2s] arrow [2s] Tools (']') fletchery set (7) [70s] blanket [10s] fletchery set (5) [70s] Rings ('=') aquamarine ring [1s] Potions ('!') speckled potion [4s] purple potion [4s] mercury potion [2s] Scrolls ('?') scroll labeled "ENO OWT EERHT" [2s] scribbled scroll [2s] scroll labeled "MKMNFST" [2s] Food ('%') cute dog corpse [60s] uncursed bit of candy [2s] uncursed loaf of bread [40s] Valuables ('$') 956 gold pieces [9s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 0 hours, 26 minutes and 23 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains Of Mystery Version 1.2.0 with ADOM Sage 0.9.18 Linux ELF Prerelease 20 Build: Nov 21 2013 23:22:42