------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screenshot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^^^^^ ^^@.^ ^..^^ .^^ Aaaaaa St:27 Le: 8 Wi:14 Dx:10 To:28 Ch: 4 Ap: 5 Ma: 8 Pe:11 CN DV/PV: 9/7 H: 34(34) P: 6(6) Exp: 1/0 DrCh Sp: 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Aaaaaa Race: male Troll Class: Healer Eye color: light blue Hair color: red Complexion: tanned Height: 9' Weight: 531 pounds Age: 18 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 18/Candle (day 288 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents are travelling adventurers. They are doing moderately well but are talented enough to survive. During your childhood one of your uncles taught you a lot of things about the history of your people. Your vast knowledge on the legends and the lore of your people made you very popular with your friends because of all the exciting stories you knew. In your youth you enjoyed competition against others to the fullest. You were a very active kid. Your young adulthood was characterized by hard and long work. You had decided to study under a renowned master. To your great disappointment you had to find out, that he was a hard, unjust and tyrannic man, embittered by his old age. Your apprentice years were quite terrible. You decided to become a Healer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 663 stones Carrying capacity: 3975 stones Head : - Neck : - Body : uncursed thick furs (-1, -1) [+0, +2] [300s] Girdle : - Cloak : - Right Hand : uncursed heavy club (+1, 1d10+2) [-1, +0] [120s] Left Hand : - Right Ring : - Left Ring : - Bracers : - Gauntlets : - Boots : - Missile weapon: - Missiles : - Tool : uncursed stethoscope [5s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 238 stones Carrying capacity: 3975 stones One-handed weapons ('(') uncursed scalpel (+2, 1d3+1) [2s] Tools (']') heap of 6 uncursed bandages [12s] Potions ('!') heap of 2 uncursed potions of extra healing [4s] Food ('%') heap of 2 uncursed iron rations [200s] uncursed piece of raw meat [20s] Valuables ('$') 88 gold pieces [0s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Unarmed fighting 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Daggers & knives 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Clubs & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Maces & flails 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Swords 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Axes 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Whips 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Pole arms 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Twohanded weapons 2 +2 +2 +0 basic 40 Staves 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Slings 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Bows 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Crossbows 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown axes & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown daggers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown rocks & clubs 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown spears 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Boomerangs & scurgari 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- ------------- -------------- Shields 0 +0 unskilled 15 Damage caused with your melee weapons: -------------------------------------- Right hand: +9 bonus to hit, 1d10+11 damage Damage caused with your missile weapons: ---------------------------------------- No missile weapons available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alertness ................ 16 (mediocre) [+3d3] Athletics ................ 45 (fair) [+3d4] Bridge building .......... 19 (mediocre) [+3d5] (mr) Climbing ................. 28 (mediocre) [+3d4] Concentration ............ 25 (mediocre) [+4d5] Cooking .................. 38 (fair) [+3d4] (mr) Find weakness ............ 16 (mediocre) [+4d5] First aid ................ 40 (fair) [+4d5] Food preservation ........ 30 (mediocre) [+4d5] Gemology ................. 14 (mediocre) [+3d3] Haggling ................. 25 (mediocre) [+4d5] Healing .................. 55 (good) [+4d4] Herbalism ................ 68 (good) [+3d5] Listening ................ 25 (mediocre) [+4d5] Literacy ................. 87 (great) [+1d5] Mining ................... 19 (mediocre) [+3d4] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- His achievements during his adventures: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaaaaa, the trollish healer, quit prematurely. He scored 620 points. He survived for 0 years, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds (1 turn). Aaaaaa visited 1 place. He ended his adventuring life in the wilderness. He did not manage to vanquish any monsters. He had the following talents: Affinity with Axes, Affinity with Boomerangs & Scurgari. He had a final speed score of 100 (final base speed: 100). He was not particularly religious. He did not ask for divine help. He was chaotically aligned.